Friday 28 December 2007


My garden has to be encased
In a massive glass dome
Open at the top
(That really is a must).

A lot of underwater plants
And rocks, statues - and a bridge.
The whole construction
Has to be on a ledge

Half-way up a mountain
With a panorama view
Of the valley.

It is very important
That the water
Is constantly refreshed.

So the head gardener
Must have a very big bucket
Half the size of the dome

And he has to water it from the top
A diver should be employed
In case of emergencies.

In the event of algae build-up
A reservoir tank
Will be required,

For occupant evacuation purposes
While cleaning is carried out
And water is being replenished.

Finally, multi-coloured food flakes
Must be left floating on the lake’s surface
At least once per day.

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